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Born Primitive

American Clothing Brand
Brand Profile

Founded on grit within a humble garage, Born Primitive Clothing was activated in 2014 through dedication from ex-Navy Lieutenant Bear Handlon and his co-founder, Mallory Riley. Initially catering to Olympic weightlifters, this start-up quickly evolved beyond a niche. Born Primitive’s quality-focused athletic and tactical apparel energizes everyone from CrossFit diehards to special ops warriors to weekend summit strivers through designs validated under intense conditions.

Central to Born Primitive’s identity: the belief that embracing struggle strengthens one’s resolve, as embodied by Handlon’s military service. This “no instant gratification” ethos manifests across the brand. For example, exhaustive athlete testing and community feedback inform product development cycles. Generous support programs giving back to first responders and non-profits also speak to Born Primitive’s patriotic spirit, inspiring customers through a steadfast commitment to honor and selfless duty.

From hardy training shoes to battle-ready bags built for the outdoors, Born Primitive’s expanding gear arsenal keeps pace with athlete ambitions through continuous quality-driven innovation. Despite rapid growth, the brand retains deep ties to its hometown community, never compromising its foundational no-excuses grit.

Ultimately, Born Primitive’s function-forward apparel performs when actively demanded by enabling peak movement, comfort, and determination — whether attacking a PR at the box or pushing the limits on a remote mountain trail. The brand stays true to those who quietly brave the mud and the pain in the relentless pursuit of excellence—no hype, just motivation through dedication full throttle.






Virginia Beach, VA, USA

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